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IO事件也就是诸如read/write的IO操作。"派发/分离"就是将单独的IO事件通知到上层模块。两个模式不同的地方 在于,Proactor用于异步IO,而Reactor用于同步IO。摘抄一些关键的东西:
Two patterns that involve event demultiplexors are called Reactor and Proactor [1]. The Reactor patterns involve synchronous I/O, whereas the Proactor pattern involves asynchronous I/O. "关于两个模式的大致模型,从以下文字基本可以明白:
An example will help you understand the difference between Reactor and Proactor. We will focus on the read operation here, as the write implementation is similar. Here's a read in Reactor:* An event handler declares interest in I/O events that indicate readiness for read on a particular socket ;
* The event demultiplexor waits for events ; * An event comes in and wakes-up the demultiplexor, and the demultiplexor calls the appropriate handler; * The event handler performs the actual read operation, handles the data read, declares renewed interest in I/O events, and returns control to the dispatcher .By comparison, here is a read operation in Proactor (true async):
* A handler initiates an asynchronous read operation (note: the OS must support asynchronous I/O). In this
case, the handler does not care about I/O readiness events, but is instead registers interest in receiving completion events; * The event demultiplexor waits until the operation is completed ; * While the event demultiplexor waits, the OS executes the read operation in a parallel kernel thread, puts data into a user-defined buffer, and notifies the event demultiplexor that the read is complete ; * The event demultiplexor calls the appropriate handler; * The event handler handles the data from user defined buffer, starts a new asynchronous operation, and returns control to the event demultiplexor."
上,两者也有相同点:demultiplexor负责提交IO操作(异步)、查询设备是否可操作(同步),然后当条件满足时,就回调handler。 不同点在于,异步情况下(Proactor),当回调handler时,表示IO操作已经完成;同步情况下(Reactor),回调handler时,表示 IO设备可以进行某个操作(can read or can write),handler这个时候开始提交操作。用select模型写个简单的reactor,大致为:
/// class handler { public : virtual void onRead() = 0 ; virtual void onWrite() = 0 ; virtual void onAccept() = 0 ;} ; class dispatch { public : void poll() { // add fd in the set. // // poll every fd int c = select( 0 , & read_fd, & write_fd, 0 , 0 ); if ( c > 0 ) { for each fd in the read_fd_set { if fd can read _handler -> onRead(); if fd can accept _handler -> onAccept(); } for each fd in the write_fd_set { if fd can write _handler -> onWrite(); } } } void setHandler( handler * _h ) { _handler = _h; } private : handler * _handler;} ; /// application class MyHandler : public handler { public : void onRead() { } void onWrite() { } void onAccept() { } } ;
在网上找了份Proactor模式比较正式的,其给出了一个总体的UML类图,比较全面: 根据这份图我随便写了个例子代码:
class AsyIOProcessor { public : void do_read() { // send read operation to OS // read io finished.and dispatch notification _proactor -> dispatch_read(); } private : Proactor * _proactor;} ; class Proactor { public : void dispatch_read() { _handlerMgr -> onRead(); } private : HandlerManager * _handlerMgr;} ; class HandlerManager { public : typedef std::list < Handler *> HandlerList; public : void onRead() { // notify all the handlers. std::for_each( _handlers.begin(), _handlers.end(), onRead ); } private : HandlerList * _handlers;} ; class Handler { public : virtual void onRead() = 0 ;} ; // application level handler. class MyHandler : public Handler { public : void onRead() { // } } ;
Reactor通过某种变形,可以将其改装为Proactor,在某些不支持异步IO的系统上,也可以隐藏底层的实现,利于编写跨平台 代码。我们只需要在dispatch(也就是demultiplexor)中封装同步IO操作的代码,在上层,用户提交自己的缓冲区到这一层, 这一层检查到设备可操作时,不像原来立即回调handler,而是开始IO操作,然后将操作结果放到用户缓冲区(读),然后再 回调handler。这样,对于上层handler而言,就像是proactor一样。详细技法参见。 其实就设计模式而言,我个人觉得某个模式其实是没有完全固定的结构的。不能说某个模式里就肯定会有某个类,类之间的
reactor, proactor,multiplexing,对于心中的那个网络库也越来越清晰。最近还干了些离谱的事,写了传说中的字节流编码,用模板的方式实现,不但保持了扩展性,还少写很多代码;处于效率考虑,
写了个static array容器(其实就是template <typename _Tp, std::size_t size> class static_array { _Tp _con[size]), 加了iterator,遵循STL标准,可以结合进STL的各个generic algorithm用,自我感觉不错。基础模块搭建完毕,解析了公司 服务器网络模块的消息,我是不是真的打算用自己的网络模块重写我的验证服务器?在另一个给公司写的工具里,因为实在厌恶 越来越多的重复代码,索性写了几个宏,还真的做到了代码的自动生成:D。对优雅代码的追求真的成了种癖好. = =|